
SL beautiful woman picture book

幸運にも「セカンドライフ日本語版の歩き方」を運営されているJinn Lyneさんとお話しすることが出来ました。 (Fig.1,Fig.2)
(Fortunately I was able to talk with Jinn Lyne administered "The walking of the second life Japanese edition" web site. (Fig.1,Fig.2))

先日このブログで「セカンドライフの歩き方ハンドブック」という本を紹介しましたがその著者のJinn Lyneさんです。
(It introduced author Jinn Lyne of the book "The walking handbook of Second life" by this blog the other day. )

(At first, I was not able to go out from the orientation island to the SL world because I had started SL without having basic knowledge. I have the experience of spending days how many there.lol)

(When the Second life relation is retrieved with the search engine, "Walking of Second life Japanese version" Web site is found at the head. )

(Especially, lion's face was very impressive. lol)

その後もセカンドライフが紹介された雑誌などでもよく見かけましたし、私が購入したセカンドライフ初の書籍である「セカンドライフ公式ガイド」を見てJinn Lynnさんという方が「らいおん」さんなんだということを認識しました.^^;
(Afterwards, lion's face often saw the magazine etc. from which Second life was introduced.
"Second life official guide" book was seen and Mr. Jinn Lynn recognized the lion face. ^^;)

(The offer was in "Beautiful woman of SL picture book" on his Web site in the chance this time, and it registered. And, the link registration was achieved from his Web site to my blog. )

(The word has not been found any longer. Being possible to register on his Web site for me while recalling starting SL was not imaginable. I feel it to very honored. )

(Hereafter, there will be pressure in the action of huhu. lol)

(I thought that it was good that there were no police in the world of SL. It is a joke!lol)



セカンドライフ日本語版の歩き方 -- http://www.sec-life.com/
セカンドライフの歩き方<ブログ> -- http://seclifecom.blog87.fc2.com/
セカンドライフ 歩き方ハンドブックの紹介
SL美女図鑑 -- SL beautiful woman picture book

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